Hi, I'm Zoe

About me

Studiyng mathematics had not been the desire I have actually always from my childhood, it was at some moment suggested to me throughout Sixth form and after some investigation I got to know I was ready. Despite I have actually succeeded in mathematics I've had to try very hard as well as be really established. My inspiration comes from the love and also passion I have for the subject. This is what I intend to convey with my training and convince children that they don't need to be normally brilliant to do the most effective in tests and A degrees. You just need to be passionate about the topic which inspires you, to keep your head down and work hard. Having this favorable perspective, renovations could be made fast which is exactly how I want to improve my tutee's work with encouragement and the belief that they could get to the top with focus and study.

What drives me to work hard is the contentment of finishing an inquiry that you've fought with or have needed to go with a very long process to get the answer. To sum up, I love trouble solving and also obtaining a deeper understanding for things that I want. To me there is a beauty in maths that stems from the fact that everything fits together so perfectly and that complicated things could be streamlined with general formulas that make challenging theories or concepts understandable or at least easier to comprehend.